Script-Fu: (Image)Magickal Powers

ImageMagick is the Swiss army knife of the command-line image-processing world. The array of tools it provides, combined with the amount of options each can take, is nothing short of staggering. Due to the fact it is also very shell-friendly, ImageMagick is ideal for batch processing whole directories full of images.

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Synfig Studio: An Interview with Konstantin Dmitriev

We had already talked about how great the Synfig animation suite of programs is elsewhere on this site, but what we were missing is actually talking with the person who makes it possible. We got together with Konstantin Dmitriev, Synfig’s de facto project leader, main developer, head fundraiser, and all-around evangelist, to find out how…

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Space Nerds in Space

Space Nerds in Space (or SNiS for short) is a collaborative space exploration game with a twist: Each player is responsible for one part of the same ship. The game allows for multiple teams to compete against each other, and can also accomodate a game master that can inject non-player parties into the universe.

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