Give me Support or Give me Death

I guess I’m insecure like that, but I often find myself trying to rationalise my affinity for Free Software. How I do this is by arguing in my head with imaginary detractors. As I understand it, putting your ideas into words and then bombarding them with “Yes, buts” and “What ifs” is the base of…

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VLC – The World’s Media Player

VLC is arguably the most popular of all media players. Downloaded over 1.3 billion times (yes, that’s “billion” with a “b”), this free and open source player not only has excellent support for nearly every video and audio formats out there, but also let’s you convert from one format to another, and stream (and receive…

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New KDE5 – Now with Added Intelligence!

Inge Wallin, a developer of KDE’s office productivity suite, Calligra, has just released the very first KDE-specific AI library. Wallin, who has previously designed AIs for commercial games, wrote the library because he thought that the AIs of many of KDE’s games were weak. Although the library is still in its early stages of development,…

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Inkscape Tutorial Videos

Following up from our piece on the new Inkscape 0.91, we have just posted two videos explaining basic usage of Inkscape to our YouTube channel. Our first video teaches you how to start using Inkscape, drawing shapes, modifying them by manipulating nodes, and colouring them in, with an example in which we draw a cow.…

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