Igor Ljubuncic aka Dedoimedo is the guy behind Dedoimedo.com. He makes a living out of his very hobby – Linux, and holds a bunch of certifications that make a nice pile in the bottom drawer.
Bruce Byfield has been writing full-time about free software since 2004 and is the author, amongst other things, of the book Designing with LibreOffice. When away from the keyboard, he reads science fiction and Victorian novels, listens to punk folk, hangs out with parrots, and collects Northwest Coast Art. His ambition is to be the George Orwell of free software.
Former Editors:
Paul Brown has worked as a tech journalist, specialising in Internet trends and Free Software, for coming up to twenty years. He started writing for the Spanish counter-cultural/hacker magazine @RROBA in 1996, and from there moved on as writer, editor, and later, editor-in-chief for Linux Magazine Spain, Android User Spain, Ubuntu User Spain and Ubuntu User International. He has also contributed articles to Linux Magazine International, Raspberry Pi Geek and many other publications. He spends his free time as a volunteer teacher teaching about Open Hardware to school children and writing fiction and scripts for short films and TV shows that never get made.