Script-Fu: (Image)Magickal Powers

ImageMagick is the Swiss army knife of the command-line image-processing world. The array of tools it provides, combined with the amount of options each can take, is nothing short of staggering. Due to the fact it is also very shell-friendly, ImageMagick is ideal for batch processing whole directories full of images.

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LibreOffice Tip: Automating Notes

Using recurring images can be difficult in LibreOffice. Of course, you can always add the image manually each time, but that can be distracting when you are writing. One way to semi-automate the process is to use a list style that is set up to display a picture rather than a bullet or a number.

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KDE’s tabbed windows

In the first years of the millennium, tabbed web browsing became the norm. Overnight, browsing habits changed. Instead of struggling to manage multiple windows, users could open a dozen or more pages while researching. By contrast, eight years later, KDE’s fourth release series added tabs to all windows on the desktop — instead of just…

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LibreOffice Tip: Better Outlining

LibreOffice Navigator serves as an outlining tool and a working table of contents. However, the default display is limited only to Heading paragraph styles, which means the outline is limited to sections rather than paragraphs. Fortunately, you can improve the default using outline levels.

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Real pirates say Xargs

Xargs is a very fancy Linux commands. On paper, it is designed to build and execute commands from standard input. In reality, it is one of those highly useful utilities that let you do real one-liners rather than having to write a script and introduce some kind of a loop inside. But just as Xargs…

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LibreOffice Tip: To-Do Lists with Style

Lists are one of the least known types of styles in LibreOffice Writer. If people use list styles at all, they attach them to paragraph styles to create automatic bullet or numbered lists. However, list styles have far more versatility than such uses imply, including the method shown here for creating a To-Do list for…

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Inkscape Tutorial Videos

Following up from our piece on the new Inkscape 0.91, we have just posted two videos explaining basic usage of Inkscape to our YouTube channel. Our first video teaches you how to start using Inkscape, drawing shapes, modifying them by manipulating nodes, and colouring them in, with an example in which we draw a cow.…

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Linux gaming

From Windows to Linux, Part 3: Games

The third part of our migration slash conversion adventure takes us into the realm of gaming. Alongside Office really, this is the big reason why so many people still keep Windows around, myself included. There are still a huge number of games available only for Windows, and we want to be able to play them.…

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