Drawchemy: doodle to spark your inspiration

Patrick Pilmeyer, a young free software developer from Belgium, has developed Drawchemy, an Android app that allows you to doodle using your fingers and different brushes and strokes. You can also create symmetrical horizontal or vertical designs, or use both symmetries at the same time. This makes for interesting and kaleidoscopic pictures. [Show slideshow] A…

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Netrunner 14 is out!

The Netrunner team members have just announced the availability of version 14 of their operating system. This version is dubbed “Frontier” and comes with an appropriately futuristic space exploration theme. [Show slideshow] Netrunner is a modern Linux-based operating system that comes with a bleeding edge desktop environment, combining beauty, stability and kickass functionality. You can…

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New on Pling: The fantabulous Synfig Studio!

Synfig Studio is a really powerful free and open-source 2D animation software for Windows, Linux and MacOS X. Although there is a certain learning curve to Synfig (you didn’t expect animation to be that easy, right?), the internal consistent logic of Synfig makes creating professional animation fast and hassle free once you understand how things…

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