Official wallpapers

What’s next? Plasma Next!

KDE5 is one of the more important upcoming software packages in the Linux world. There are quite a few reasons why this is the case, and I’d like to emphasize a couple in this opening section. The first, the critical satisfaction factor uncertainty, which comes to bear following the KDE3.5 to KDE4 fiasco. This one…

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KDE Search and Destroy, I mean Launch

In a galaxy far far away, long before there was Android en masse, long before touch was popular, I mean retro-popular, because we have been using the touch technology for at least two million years, long before there was any modern, simplistic interface for smartphones and tablets, there was KDE. It’s all in the name.…

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What’s new in KDE 4.10

KDE’s transition from 3.5.x to 4.x was a traumatic experience for many users, many regressions happen and there’s a general consensus among observers that 4.x was released prematurely, an opinion not shared by some developers that argue they needed feedback and bug reports. Thankfully those times are behind us and I can assure you that…

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Plasma just hit a “Homerun”

Plasma is KDE’s and therefore Netrunner’s desktop and workspace. I’ve explained what Plasma is and how to change it to your liking in the past. Unlike its competition KDE puts the user in charge of his or her desktop, and in the mobile age of technology, KDE should get an easy and pleasant experience for…

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Tutorial: Krunner

It’s the “run command” dialog of KDE, it’s an old friend available since KDE 3.x, but it got a new appearance and set of features when KDE got revamped for the 4 series, it shares your plasma theme and it’s completely modular, plugin based, so unlike many command dialogues it can do a lot more than merely…

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