KDE’s tabbed windows

In the first years of the millennium, tabbed web browsing became the norm. Overnight, browsing habits changed. Instead of struggling to manage multiple windows, users could open a dozen or more pages while researching. By contrast, eight years later, KDE’s fourth release series added tabs to all windows on the desktop — instead of just…

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Krunner – The birth of a cyborg

Krunner is exactly like that lovely, lovely 80s futuristic Dystopian sci-fi movie with Arnold and Jesse, except that is different in every single way. Now, for those of you who’ve fiddled with KDE before, possibly on a roof, hihi, then Krunner is not a stranger. It’s a familiar and useful application available in the desktop…

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Nice 2 & Featured

Some cool Plasma tips and tricks

Several days ago, I talked about how Plasma 5 is awesome, and how it’s the cure to all worries in this world, particularly those related to aesthetics, functionality and desktops. All fanboyism aside, Plasma shapes up to become a modern and relevant Linux desktop environment, with an intelligent sense of order and efficiency. So I’ve shown…

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New KDE5 – Now with Added Intelligence!

Inge Wallin, a developer of KDE’s office productivity suite, Calligra, has just released the very first KDE-specific AI library. Wallin, who has previously designed AIs for commercial games, wrote the library because he thought that the AIs of many of KDE’s games were weak. Although the library is still in its early stages of development,…

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Nice 2 & Featured

Plasma is my new favorite desktop

Being a fanboy always helps when you want to draw attention to your articles, and in this, it’s my turn to sound all gooey, agog and completely enamored by Plasma 5, the next generation of the KDE desktop framework. But the thing is, the more I’m using it, the more I’m loving it. Which is…

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Best KDE 2014 featured

Best KDE distro of 2014

The end is nigh. The end is upon us. We are, of course, talking about the end of the calendar year, and this means voting for the best of the best. In a few days, we will have the grand Dedoimedo best distro contest, but before we do that, let’s do a more specific vote.…

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Featured, with apps running

Plasma 5 – Ano’er opinion

Several days back, when I saw an article covering Plasma 5, written by my colleague Luis, I immediately stopped reading. The reason was, I intended to write a piece of my own, and I did not want to taint my subjectivity with someone else’s. I promised myself I would read it, just a few moments before…

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Official wallpapers

What’s next? Plasma Next!

KDE5 is one of the more important upcoming software packages in the Linux world. There are quite a few reasons why this is the case, and I’d like to emphasize a couple in this opening section. The first, the critical satisfaction factor uncertainty, which comes to bear following the KDE3.5 to KDE4 fiasco. This one…

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